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FOUR Strategies to Improve your Email Marketing

Build & develop your mailing list...

Email marketing has been around forever, and for good reason. It’s the most direct and effective way of connecting with your leads, nurturing them, and turning them into customers, consistently winning out over all other marketing channels.

"Email marketing is the highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending emails to prospects and customers. 
Effective marketing emails convert prospects into customers, and turn one-time buyers into loyal, raving fans."

Automated email marketing provides a chance for you to improve sales conversions — maybe even by 14%. It’s a way to send customers unique offers — such as product sales or newsletters updates — with information your reader can’t get anywhere else.

Emails should be personalized with what your customers want to see, allowing you an instant way to communicate with them. Your emails should contain information your customers are interested in learning more about, such as discount offers, business updates, or product/service launches.

1. Use double-open emails to extend your reach
Are you worried because the email highlighting your newest product didn't have a very high open rate? The work that went into crafting that email doesn't have to go to waste. With a double-open campaign, you send the same email to everyone on your list who didn't open the original message. The only thing that changes is the subject line

Sending these emails three to five days after the original can spur additional opens. And don't forget that you can take snippets of your email to create into content for your social media posts, with the call to action to sign up to your mailing list. 

If your initial email has a 50% open rate, and then 50% of those who didn't open the original email click on the double-open message, you could significantly increase your sales, all thanks to a simple resend. 

2. Know the best time to send
While sending your emails during a weekday will typically lead to a higher open rate, the time of day will also make a difference. 

Here's a little exercise for you: Check the timestamps on the emails you've received in the past day. What have you found? For me, I noticed that most of my emails, especially my subscription emails, were sent between 9-10 AM, or 5-6 PM. This may differ for you depending on the type of emails you receive. -Think back to who your ideal clients are, and when they would be looking at their emails? Consider running tests where time of day is the only variable to find the best time for your audience. 

3. Growing your email list 
What most people do when they want to build an email list is to put an optin form on their website and hope that people sign up. Unfortunately, this strategy usually doesn’t work very well.

To grow your email list, you need to attract people with a compelling offer. You need a lead magnet.

What is a Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet (a.k.a. an optin bribe) is something awesome that you give away for free in exchange for an email address. It doesn’t have to cost you anything to create; most lead magnets are digital materials like PDFs, MP3 audio files, or videos that you can create yourself at minimal or no cost.

It can be absolutely anything you want, so long as it provides value to your visitors for free.

Some popular lead magnet examples are:

  • E-books
  • A cheat sheet of tips or resources
  • White papers or case studies
  • A webinar
  • Free trials or samples
  • A free quote or consultation
  • Quizzes or a self-assessment
  • A coupon

The possibilities are endless!

4. Make Your Subject Line Stand Out

When it comes to email open and click rates, your subject lines are everything. Your job is to make your subject lines stand out.

Here are some tips for crafting creative subject lines:

  • Entice curiosity, but don’t be too clever. You want to make them curious enough to open and click, but without being so cryptic that the subscriber hasn’t a clue as to what you’re talking about.
  • Include numbers. There is something about numbers that draw the eye.
  • Use a friendly and conversational tone.
  • Speak in the language and style that your subscribers use themselves, especially when talking with their friends.

Bonus Tip:  Write to Just One Person
When you draft your subject line and message content, it’s natural to think of the thousands of people who are about to receive it.

However, it’s far more effective to write as if speaking to an individual person, with a personal subject line and a personalized message.

To write this way, you’ll have to really know your buyer persona. You need to understand their problems, their desires, their values, their likes, and their dislikes. 

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